One idea about one thing inspires another idea about another thing in a non-sequential manner. I can tell the listener about a record cover... thus you can find a useful channel for just about anything. If it’s good, one thing inspires another. One thing inspires another and that inspires something else. So I’m hoping to actually get out there and do some photography. This way the interaction between lyrics and music is the best possible, because one thing inspires another. One thing inspires another, in fact the dream or the nightmare never ends...Saying one thing inspires another thing is not the same as saying one thing equals the other thing. So it's pretty obvious that there are similarities between riffs and that one thing inspires another. It was a throw away comment really, but one thing inspires another - and isn't it nice to know that people are reading our collective inane ramblings? Isn't it funny how one thing inspires another....You bring that out so poetically but discernable too. Hence the so on, and so on in the title -- one thing inspires another, and in turn another and so on and so on... Live without regret, because one thing inspires another! Inspiration comes from everywhere and it's thing inspires another which inspires yet another which influences the first, etc. Japanese filmmaking has had a major influence, but so have Italian and British and French and German...and even American filmmakers. Do you find that one thing inspires another? Creativity doesn't exist in a vacuum, one thing inspires another and it keeps going. It was a throw away comment really, but one thing inspires another - and isn't it ...
Skill of the Week: Carry Fire
6 hours ago
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