Saturday, January 20, 2007

Song of the Yodo River by Yosa Buson

trans. by Robert Hass in The Essential Haiku

She speaks (in Chinese verse):

Plum blossoms float by on the spring water,
flowing south where the Uji meets the Yodo.
Don't cut the mooring rope.
Your boat will be lightning in the rapids.

Where the Uji joins the Yodo,
and they flow together as one body,
I want to lie down in the boat with you,
and when i grow old be with you in Naniwa.

He speaks (in a Chinese quatrain composed in Japanese):

You are plum blossoms on the water,
petals floating by till they pass out of sight.
I am a willow growing by the stream.
My shadow is sunk in it, and I cannot follow.

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